Showing posts with label last unicorn tour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label last unicorn tour. Show all posts


Last Unicorn Tour

Last Unicorn Tour
Justus, Peter S. Beagle, + me (also the debut photo of my shorter than Mia Farrow's haircut)

Last night I had the ultimate pleasure of attending The Last Unicorn Tour when it hit Seattle. My friend (and coworker) Justus and I headed down to the Cinerama after work. I should mention that this is Justus' absolute favorite book. Ever. The evening started with a signing session that we skipped on the advice of our newfound friend, Ashley, who had attended Saturday night's event as well. She advised us to just hop out right before the credits and get in line for the post show signing. So with that reassurance we settled down to enjoy some of Cinerama's epic chocolate popcorn and chat. At 7:30 an amazing question and answer session began which lasted an hour and included some great stories from Peter, the most adorable question from a little girl, a baby signing (for real), and a surprise proposal from an audience member (not to Peter, but to her partner). It was so great. Next we got to watch the film, which is a blast from my childhood and gave me warm fuzzies all over. Finally we got to chat with Peter while he signed my book and Justus' poster and multiple books. I have completely over simplified the whole experience because it really was so grand and I am so glad I decided to go.