
Book Style: Anna Karenina

Anna Karenina

For Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy I decided to channel some cocktail glamour. Nothing too book specific, just a lot of opulence and luxury. Silky striped trousers, a glamorous corset, and nude Louboutins comprise the simple, yet pricey, outfit. A lace/feather/pearl clutch and floral collar necklace add the requisite, feminine bling. Oh and I gave a nod to Anna's black heart (nope you can't convince me otherwise, she's selfish and self-centered) with this honking cocktail ring.


Book Style: Frankenstein


Another horror classic for this round of Book Style: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Everything but the leather jacket (unless you assume the Monster's skin was leathery?), which I used to offset the fitted-ness of the outfit, takes direct inspiration from the subject material. We've got some platform boots that pay homage to the Hollywood idea of Frankenstein's Monster's footwear. Some muscle leggings (I want! I want!) and an anatomy print tea work surprisingly well together. The anatomical heart necklace and spine-adorned knuckle clutch are a brilliant touch, if I do say so myself. And to top it all off, some lightning bolt earrings to get the monster off the table and lurching around.